this song has always made me think that king koncepts ate a plant-based diet, but i haven't heard a word from him since this album that came out about 10 years ago.
this is where food justice with a plant-based/decolonial diet perspective meet hip hop and where we explore the intersections of other animal/human/earth liberation. hip hop is rooted in resistance and rich with experience in fighting for social justice. veganism is about practicing compassion and is motivated by living cruelty-free for the sake of other animals. the fusion of veganism and hip hop is designed to promote holistic activism..
Monday, June 20, 2011
P&C Cribs - Gruf + music
this is more confirmation about gruf's veganism. i will admit, this video is sort of boring. dope to see his cassette collection though. (smile)
onto the music...
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Emcee JoChris Talks About the Slave Diet
Emcee, producer, engineer, Gulf War veteran, and vegan JoChris got his start behind the scenes of the popular hip-hop show Lyricist..s Lounge. Right now you can catch him performing at various venues in the Big Apple or check out his releases From the Booth and The Great Scott Project, which can be purchased on iTunes. JoChris sat down with PETAWorld and talked about how his manager..s knowledge on health influenced him to change his lifestyle. After watching ..Chew on This,.. he also shared his thoughts on the deplorable ways that animals are treated in animal factories. The artist and man of many talents stressed that education is vital when choosing any read on and get the facts.
First off, how long have you been vegan? been a vegan for three years..three years goin.. strong.
What made you go veg?
Well, my manager, Shannon, actually. When she became my manager, she was already a vegan, so she just basically educated me about health and food intake and what it does to your body. I had a couple vegetarian friends; they were always telling me, ..Yo, you should stop eating meat, you should stop eating meat,.. but they really never gave reasons why. And Shannon, she went to school and has a degree in chemistry, and she really, really broke down the effects of certain foods that you put in your body and what effects it has on it. So, being educated in that aspect, I couldn..t allow myself to, like, wow, you know. Once you receive that kind of education, if you really care about yourself, you would really take action, you know?
Right. So from what she told you, what were your biggest concerns? Was it high cholesterol? Heart disease? What were you most worried about?
Whew..all of it, because I..m adopted, you know what I..m sayin..? I was abandoned at birth, so I have no family medical history that I..m aware of. So everything that I can do to prevent myself from undergoing certain ailments, I would take those measures to prevent it. So everything was basically a concern for me. Nothin.. over the other, you know what I mean? Whether it be high blood pressure or high cholesterol or even cardiovascular issues.
So what was your transition like? Did you ease into it, or did you quit cold turkey?
Nah, I quit cold turkey, because there were substitutes. I really did quit cold turkey. I was just so driven by making sure that my health was important that ceasing to eat those kinds of things wasn..t a problem for me. [Shannon..s] a holistic chef also. So the way that she would cook, it was like, ..Wow, I..m not really even missing anything...
OK, so with all the health reasons why people should go vegetarian, especially considering the ailments that specifically affect the black community ..
And given that 75 percent of us are lactose-intolerant, why do you think we keep eating meat and consuming dairy products?
I actually have a good answer for that. been studying why black people actually eat the way we eat. It..s because of where we come from. I call it the slave diet. So basically, the diet that been introduced to through our ancestors who were slaves, it..s been passed generation to generation to generation. And it..s so amazing that you have people walking around here that eat the way they eat, and they don..t understand why 300 pounds and 18 years old or 21 years old and having these health problems that an old person should have, you know what I mean?
And you have the influence of media, commercials, and stuff like that. They try to influence you to think the food that they try to sell to you, these products, are healthy for you. They even say it: ..Pork is the new white meat.. and it..s healthy for you. There..s protein in pork and protein in beef, but they don..t understand that it..s dead meat. It..s dead. I don..t even consider that food. It..s a dead substance that you put in your body, and people expect to sustain a life with it. It..s kind of oxymoronic. They even call big people healthy. You know that, right? Hah.
Hah, right, right.
So it..s really an oxymoron, but it..s just a mind condition. I even have a couple of friends that I try to talk to, and they just be like, boom. You know, everyone has their choice or whatever, but like I said, once you receive education about certain things and you don..t take action upon it, it just shows that you don..t believe the education that receiving or you probably feel like it doesn..t apply to you.
So, after watching the PETA video, how do you feel about how animals are treated in slaughterhouses and animal factories?
I think it..s definitely cruel. I mean, it..s crazy. It made me analyze the people that have the job of doing it. And it..s one of two things..either they just totally have no regard for life itself or just habitually working and just numb to it. There..s no way that I could even do that ..cause I respect life too much. They just don..t have respect for life..that..s all there is.
Now Showing on PETAWorld TV:
'Chew on This'
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So, being in Brooklyn, you must have a ton of vegan options. I like Food Swings myself. What..s your favorite restaurant?
You know what? They have a restaurant called VP2 that I really like, which is Vegetarian..s Paradise, and Red Bamboo.
Oh yeah, been to Red Bamboo.
Yeah, Red Bamboo is nice, and VP2. But I really try to eat home a lot. You know what I..m sayin..? I really try to eat home a lot.
So, what advice would you give to somebody who was trying to transition to a vegetarian or vegan diet?
You know, I..d say that it would be the easiest thing, because it would. I would tell them what worked for me, and what worked for me is not listening to people say ..stop,.. but just educate the research. And once you do the research, you realize what these foods do to your body. Then hopefully, it would help you make a sound decision for yourself health-wise.
To find out what other heads like JoChris are saying about animal rights and making conscious decisions, check back often, sign up for PETAWorld E-News, and be inspired.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
twitter/mc lyte/vegan
Twitter / @MC Lyte: @Ni_Taylor girllll I've go ...
"...I've gone vegan, you don't want nothing I'm cookin'!! Lol"
(note: this posting might be a bit premature, but i'm excited nontheless so i'm sharing it with you and perhaps you'll follow up with her as well to give her nothing but support for going vegan!!"
Roxanne Shante & DJ Polo - Thine Line
Roxanne Shante & DJ Polo - Thine Line
From 1996 Single: "Thin Line". Also appears on the Soundtrack to the film "Girls Town".....
Roxanne Shanté, Ph.D. (born Lolita Shanté Gooden, November 9, 1969) is an American hip-hop pioneer. Born and raised in the Queensbridge Projects, Shanté first gained attention through the Roxanne Wars and her association with the Juice Crew.
Shanté's career began at the age of 14 when she encountered influential gangster world of record producer Marley Marl, radio DJ Mr. Magic, and Tyrone Williams talking about how UTFO had canceled its appearance at a show that it was promoting. Shanté offered to record an answer to UTFO's recent hit "Roxanne, Roxanne," which was about a woman named who rejects the members of the group. The men agreed and the result was "Roxanne's Revenge," a confrontational and profane song in which Shanté assumed the role of Roxanne, dissing UTFO over a Marley Marl-produced instrumental (The official UTFO response to the its own song was The Real Roxanne, with artist Adelaida Martinez assuming the role of Roxanne and eventually recording under the same stage name as the song title). Shanté's version and the Real Roxanne's version sparked the Roxanne Wars and made Shanté a hip-hop star in the process. The single would go on to sell over 250,000 copies in the New York area alone. One of the founding members of the Juice Crew, most of her tracks would be produced by Marley Marl, with the exception of several songs on Shanté's last album, 1992's The Bitch Is Back.
As an MC, Shanté had an extraordinary ability to freestyle (improvise) entire songs. "Roxannes Revenge" was an example, reportedly written as it was recorded—in one take.[citation needed] However, the original version of the song was rerecorded after UTFO sued over the usage of its original backing track; the new version featured slightly different music with less profanity. People are most familiar with this version, which appears on the original 12-inch single released in 1984, with the original on the reverse side.
In 1988, Shanté and Rick James had a hit with "Loosey's Rap."
At the age of 25, Shanté retired from the recording industry to become a psychologist. She continues to make occasional guest appearances and live performances, as well as mentor young female hip-hop artists. She did the latter by making a cameo appearance on VH1's hip hop reality show Ms. Rap Supreme and gave rap-battle strategies to the finalists of that show. She also took part in a series of Sprite commercials during the late 1990s. She is married and has one son and one daughter, the first child of which was born when she was 14. She earned a PhD in psychology from Cornell University—paid for by her record label via an unusual contract clause—and has a practice in Queens.She is a vegan and owns Hip-Hop Ices ice cream parlor in Queens.
Roxanne Shanté, Ph.D. (born Lolita Shanté Gooden, November 9, 1969) is an American hip-hop pioneer. Born and raised in the Queensbridge Projects, Shanté first gained attention through the Roxanne Wars and her association with the Juice Crew.
Shanté's career began at the age of 14 when she encountered influential gangster world of record producer Marley Marl, radio DJ Mr. Magic, and Tyrone Williams talking about how UTFO had canceled its appearance at a show that it was promoting. Shanté offered to record an answer to UTFO's recent hit "Roxanne, Roxanne," which was about a woman named who rejects the members of the group. The men agreed and the result was "Roxanne's Revenge," a confrontational and profane song in which Shanté assumed the role of Roxanne, dissing UTFO over a Marley Marl-produced instrumental (The official UTFO response to the its own song was The Real Roxanne, with artist Adelaida Martinez assuming the role of Roxanne and eventually recording under the same stage name as the song title). Shanté's version and the Real Roxanne's version sparked the Roxanne Wars and made Shanté a hip-hop star in the process. The single would go on to sell over 250,000 copies in the New York area alone. One of the founding members of the Juice Crew, most of her tracks would be produced by Marley Marl, with the exception of several songs on Shanté's last album, 1992's The Bitch Is Back.
As an MC, Shanté had an extraordinary ability to freestyle (improvise) entire songs. "Roxannes Revenge" was an example, reportedly written as it was recorded—in one take.[citation needed] However, the original version of the song was rerecorded after UTFO sued over the usage of its original backing track; the new version featured slightly different music with less profanity. People are most familiar with this version, which appears on the original 12-inch single released in 1984, with the original on the reverse side.
In 1988, Shanté and Rick James had a hit with "Loosey's Rap."
At the age of 25, Shanté retired from the recording industry to become a psychologist. She continues to make occasional guest appearances and live performances, as well as mentor young female hip-hop artists. She did the latter by making a cameo appearance on VH1's hip hop reality show Ms. Rap Supreme and gave rap-battle strategies to the finalists of that show. She also took part in a series of Sprite commercials during the late 1990s. She is married and has one son and one daughter, the first child of which was born when she was 14. She earned a PhD in psychology from Cornell University—paid for by her record label via an unusual contract clause—and has a practice in Queens.She is a vegan and owns Hip-Hop Ices ice cream parlor in Queens.
Bgirl Queen-Vegan
The vegan diet enables me not only to stay healthy, but it also gives me more strength, energy and endurance. It is also a wonderful inspiration for me.
What is vegan? Here is a small summary.
Nutrition and health
Nowadays, a healthy diet is mainly based on the official Food Guide Pyramid. The aim of the Pyramid is, however, not to provide a guideline for a healthy diet, but another.
For lays, it is usually very easy to find information on WHAT is in their food (which nutrients and so on), but it is often very hard to find out how to metabolise – digest – it. In this way, ordinary people usually know little about healthy nutrition.
The advantages of the vegan diet:
The vegan diet offers the possibility of a healthy nutrition out of the following reasons:
The Plant World provides the human body with all the nutrients it needs. In one form or another, we can find all essential nutrients in plants. Even substances like iron can be found easily enough – for example, parsley contains large amounts of it; indeed, parsley contains more iron than its weight in meat. The rumour that there is not enough iron in a vegan diet is therefore a myth. Harmful substances in plants can be easily metabolised, in contrast to those in meat and other animal products. The same can be said for hormones: phytohormones have less radical results on the human body than animal ones, and can even have positive effects. In addition, a plant diet purifies the body, expelling harmful substances. This is particularly apparent in people suffering from cellulitis or overweight who then change to a plant diet. The metabolism and the digestion are kept active, and the skin healthy.
What does a vegan eat?
Substitute for meat: Avocado, Tofu, Tempeh, Saitan, Yuba
Substitute for fish: Some Tofu sorts, algae
Substitute for eggs: liquid Tofu
Substitute for milk: Soya milk, corn milk, rice milk, coconut milk, oat milk, almond milk
Substitute for honey: maple syrup, sugar turnip syrup
Substitute for gelatine: agar agar, pectine
The dangers of the consumption of animal products
Meat tastes nice, which is why it is eaten in such huge quantities. Unfortunately, most people know nothing of the dangers of eating meat; most even believe that meat is the sole source for iron and proteins. It is true that meat contains a lot of iron and proteins, but the iron cannot be properly absorbed by the human body, because some substances in meat, especially cadaverine and putrecisin, block the absorption of iron into the system. Cadaverine and putrecisin are protein decay products (Cadaver acids), which cannot be reduced even by high temperatures (such as in cooking).
Meat contains high concentrations of stress hormones. Before slaughter, these are expelled in large quantities, stay in the meat and are eaten by the human consumer. Since these hormones are often very similar to human ones, they are easily absorbed into the human body, and cause stress.
These stress hormones, together with the protein decay products, destabilise the chemical structure of Vitamin C and antioxidants, which blocks the absorption of these essential substances. Without Vitamin C, no iron can be taken into the system.
Meat consumption causes high liver activity, in order to cope with the harmful substances and the irregular metabolism. The higher temperature caused by this leads to a widening of the vasculature and a characteristic reddening of the face. A further symptom is a disturbed digestion.
Meat also contains large quantities of LDL-Cholesterol, which can cause fat deposition in the vasculature and therefore arteriosclerosis.
AH-Acids in meat cause hyperacidity in the human body; this can attack the periosteum and cause osteomalacia and osteoporosis.
For these reasons the consumption of meat is not only unnecessary, but indeed dangerous.
People often see fish as a healthier alternative to meat. Unfortunately, fish consumption can be dangerous too:
PCB, Dieldrin, Dioxines, Methylmercury, DDT, Amalgam and Ciguatoxin are harmful substances and heavy metals nowadays commonly found in fish, and can be very dangerous for humans. They destroy the chemical structure of antioxidants, just like the stress hormones and protein decay products in meat.
Unsaturated fatty acids, for which fish is seen as healthy, can only be absorbed by the body up to 2%, because of high liver activity (the liver is coping with the harmful substances). In contrast, unsaturated fatty acids from nuts can be absorbed up to 72%.
The harmful substances can cause nerve damage and poisoning; they can even work psychosomatically, causing depression.
Especially pregnant women should take care not to eat fish, because the heavy metals can easily enter the unborn child and cause deformations and other complications.
Fish develop their own toxin (Ciguatoxin), so even fish from healthy waters is bad for you.
Part of the heavy metals is often expelled from the skin, causing a glossiness; this leads to the erroneous belief that fish "makes you beautiful".
Doctors will usually tell you to give your children a lot of milk, because it apparently contain a lot of calcium, for “strong teeth and bones”. This, too, is only partially true. Milk does contain large quantities of calcium; but it cannot be properly absorbed by the body, because milk also contains AH-Acids which, when expelled from the body, take calcium with them. AH-Acids also attack the periosteum and teeth, causing osteoporosis and caries. Indeed, milk, not sugar, is the main cause for caries.
Milk also contains large quantities of LDL-Cholesterol (see meat for its effects).
High consumption of milk – as prescribed by the the Food Guide Pyramid – causes blockation of Vitamin-C-absorption; this disturbs the absorption of iron into the system, since Vitamin C is needed for it. For this reason, milk is the main cause for iron deficit in the human body (which is why so many vegetarians, who eat milk products, have an iron deficit).
Eggs also contain large quantities of stress hormones, cholesterol and other harmful substances, just like in meat, fish and milk, and have the same effects on the body. Eggs often have exceptionally high concentrations (nine times as much as usual) of these substances because the chickens are often fed with fish. These harmful substances also hinder the absorption of the essential vitamins C & E.
Eggs also often contain salmonellae, which can cause diseases.
The Food Guide Pyramid is a farce. The Food- and Health Industry created these guidelines in order to make people ill and weak in the second half of their lives – through which they can make a lot of money.
Their aim is not to improve the ordinary person's health, but to make money with his misery and suffering.
The Health Industry lives off the suffering of the people.
BEASTIE BOYS rapper Adam Yauch credits Vegan Diet with helping beat Cancer

On the Beastie Boys' website, Adam Yauch posted the following: "Hello My Friends While I’m grateful for all the positive energy people are sending my way, reports of my being totally cancer free are exaggerated. I’m continuing treatment, staying optimistic and hoping to be cancer free in the near future."
He fought it, and now he's gonna party: eighteen months after being diagnosed with cancer, (via BBC Radio One) reports that Beastie Boys star Adam Yauch is back to full health.
Fellow Beastie Boy Mike D told BBC Radio One that the band was "really happy" that Yauch had been cured, and that they'll be putting out the second part of their album 'Hot Sauce Committee' as scheduled. The first part, which had to be rescheduled, does not have a release date yet.
Yauch announced in August 2009 that he had been diagnosed with a "very treatable" tumor in his salivary gland, and in March, Yauch wrote that he was using a vegan diet

While the band has to make sure Yauch is strong enough to tour, they do have other plans, Mike D said.
"We've got a video we got to finish, a big video," he told the radio station. "I know people don't make big videos any more but we made a big video. It's not even a video, it's a film-eo. A cinematic, short film."
That may or may not allude to the short film Yauch is producing, about their iconic 1986 song '(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party!).' Seth Rogen, Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly, Jack Black and Elijah Wood are set to star, along with appearances from Orlando Bloom, Susan Sarandon and more.
courtesy of Huffington Post

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Animal Voices is proud to present a special feature with Kevin Tillman of the Vegan Hop Hop Movement. Kevin has been working with youth ...
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