this is where food justice with a plant-based/decolonial diet perspective meet hip hop and where we explore the intersections of other animal/human/earth liberation. hip hop is rooted in resistance and rich with experience in fighting for social justice. veganism is about practicing compassion and is motivated by living cruelty-free for the sake of other animals. the fusion of veganism and hip hop is designed to promote holistic activism..
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Dead Prez talk Health / Let's Get Free (Part 2) - Out Da Box TV
cool, but i would have liked this presentation to be more balanced and not so definitely not feelin' the animal hair being worn in the music video either--fake or not.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Manuvers - Decisions feat. Seven Star (XMR)
"How did we survive before synthetic drugs, before our health became prospects to thugs?"
Wednesday, December 5, 2012 - Be Water My Friend (Exclusive 2012)
feeling this minus the footwear product placement and most definitely what that company stands for.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Download (Expand Beyond) (Bonus Track) - Dead Prez
Where there's health neglect there's no self-respect
But what else you expect? Look how they dealt the deck
We inherited stress, had to bury our best
Martin, Malcolm X, bullet holes in they chest
We adapt to the struggle, only way we survive
Eating scraps from the table but it kept us alive
Making something from nothing, still we hope for the best
Making miracles happen, daily coping with less
Scar strangle ban 'em
Scar strangle ban 'em
Scar strangle ban 'em
Raised in the ghetto, singing songs -- called survival
But eating soul food to have you dead on arrival
Hand on the rifle, other hand on the bible
Strong as an ox but look at what you put inside you
We resemble your things, do the silliest things
No better than you better cause that's what experience brings
Break out of jail but can you break out a Sickle-cell?
We say we living well, but we living in hell
We already been to the other side
We ain't turning back, now we choose a lie
To really get by this, and that ain't right
We feel it inside, it's time to fight
We already been to the other side
We ain't turning back, now we choose a lie
To really get by this, and that ain't right
We feel it inside, it's time to fight
We glued to the TV screen commercials in-between
Crack Donald's, Murder King
What happened to eat your greens?
Eatin' some or anything, abusing Mary Jane
Chinese chicken wings, everyday hood thing
5 hour energy, red bull and Hennessy
Head bobbin bot the organs full of toxicity
Pack a cool menthol, nicotine pit-fall
They have the nerve to put cool on the pack so they can trick y'all
Slave to the Dutch master, colon cancer victim
Tell you want a package but we still blame the system
No squares in my circle, screw all that sippin' purple
I'm tryina live to my potential, age is just a number
A G preserve his temple, a G control his temper
No discipline, you slippin', no toxins in my kitchen
Slavery is over cousin, but then at lunch it wasn't
If food is the last plantation then I'm Harriet Tubman
Advocating colonics, saving my lungs from chronic
But you can't free a slave unless he knows he's in bondage
(You wanna get freaky? Let's go)
You can't free a slave unless he knows he's in bondage
Long Live Palestine 2 - Lowkey ft. D.A.M, The Narcicyst, Shadia Mansour ...
"Listen close I've got six words for Obama,
Long live Palestine, long live Gaza."
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Monday, November 5, 2012
Guante & Big Cats: TO YOUNG LEADERS (Official Video)
"what you say is more important than how you say it
what you do is more important that what you say
and what you build is more important than what you do
so whatcha gonna build today?" Guante
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Test Their Logik-Democracy's Bankrupt
"All power to the people.
If voting changed anything it would be illegal
those in power have always been deceiptful
we're done with voting for a lessor evil
democracy means war, surveillance, prisons,
police, borders, capitalism.
every vote is a vote for the system
act directly make your own decisions"
Friday, November 2, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
The Welfare Poets - Once Again: Let It Be Known Part 2 (Director's cut)
"The whole system’s fraudulent, making the masses subordinate,
dormant, no way I’m supporting it or the lesser of two evils/
Either Barak the Lethal or Mitt who’ll also do some sh that’s impeachable
They’ll both have you in a deeper pool of
innocent blood that’s un-bleachable"
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Ricky Gervais saves animals from cosmetics testing
i didn't think it was possible for me to like Ricky Gervais anymore than i already do! be sure to connect w/the work that Cruelty Free International is doing!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saul Williams Vegetarian Vegan Diet Underground Spoken Word Poetry
word up!! i remember seeing this brother at reed college some years ago around the time i first became vegan, knew he was, but he wasn't quite as committed as he is today!! Saul Williams represent!! i think i need to come and see you when you're in atlanta this coming week!
A$AP Rocky discusses vegetarianism, being named after Rakim & more with Angie Martinez [Video] | SoulCulture
A$AP Rocky discusses vegetarianism, being named after Rakim & more with Angie Martinez [Video] | SoulCulture
disclaimer: i've seen this guy's name around and never bothered because he has the stupid-money sign in his name, he's only pescatarian, and i just made the mistake of checking out his video...he's pretty typical: a sexist capitalist.
disclaimer: i've seen this guy's name around and never bothered because he has the stupid-money sign in his name, he's only pescatarian, and i just made the mistake of checking out his video...he's pretty typical: a sexist capitalist.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Friday, September 21, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
i drink white tears~ - This is a resource post for all the Good White...
i drink white tears~ - This is a resource post for all the Good White...
This is a resource post for all the Good White Person™s out there. You know, the ones who say things like “It’s not my fault I’m white! Don’t generalize white people!”, or “I’m appreciating your culture! You should be proud!”, or “Why do you hate all white people, look I’m a special snowflake who’s not racist give me an award for meeting the minimum requirements for being a decent human being”.
This is a resource post for all the Good White Person™s out there. You know, the ones who say things like “It’s not my fault I’m white! Don’t generalize white people!”, or “I’m appreciating your culture! You should be proud!”, or “Why do you hate all white people, look I’m a special snowflake who’s not racist give me an award for meeting the minimum requirements for being a decent human being”.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Fitness Files: Styles P |
Fitness Files: Styles P |
"I eat the vegan bacon all the time. Thats what Im saying. I dont like heavy salt..." Styles P
"I eat the vegan bacon all the time. Thats what Im saying. I dont like heavy salt..." Styles P
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Excerpt - The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want - By Garret Keizer -
Excerpt - The Unwanted Sound of Everything We Want - By Garret Keizer -
"To say that noise is a relatively weak issue because it is less momentous than world hunger or global climate change is to make an incomplete statement. Noise is a weak issue also because most of those it affects are perceived, and very often dismissed, as weak. The ones who dismiss them, in addition to being powerful, are often the ones making the noise."
"To say that noise is a relatively weak issue because it is less momentous than world hunger or global climate change is to make an incomplete statement. Noise is a weak issue also because most of those it affects are perceived, and very often dismissed, as weak. The ones who dismiss them, in addition to being powerful, are often the ones making the noise."
Monday, September 10, 2012
Brother Ali: The Intersection of Homophobia and Hip Hop: Where Tyler Met Frank
Brother Ali: The Intersection of Homophobia and Hip Hop: Where Tyler Met Frank
"What seems undebatable to me is that as people who have never been on the life and death end of those terms, we don't get to decide when they're "okay" for us to use."
"What seems undebatable to me is that as people who have never been on the life and death end of those terms, we don't get to decide when they're "okay" for us to use."
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Akala - The Ceasefire interview on Race, Hip Hop and Revolution
"if you're only against oppression when it affects your people you're not really against oppression at all or what you perceive to be your people." Akala
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Dolphin Slaughter in Denmark
this one is for those of you, who forget that capitalism is a world-wide phenomenon and that its absolutely barbaric wherever it's practiced. dolphins are not only being slaughtered in japan and the cruelty to other animals in china isn't any different than it is in the americas, europe, etc. i'm sharing this because animal whites (not a type-o) and other short-sighted/singular-issue activists love to point the finger at asia instead of looking around them.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Harry Belafonte Calls Out Jay-Z and Beyonce for Selfishness | Kulture Kritic | Kulture Kritic
Harry Belafonte Calls Out Jay-Z and Beyonce for Selfishness | Kulture Kritic | Kulture Kritic
"The rule is simple: If you’re rich, we love you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a former crack dealer (Jay-Z), brag about murdering women and children (Lil Wayne) or sleep with middle school kids on the weekends (R. Kelly). Money is used to wash away all sins, and people are quicker to disrespect an icon like Harry Belafonte than they are to challenge celebrities to do more than tweet pictures of their newborn baby."
"The rule is simple: If you’re rich, we love you. It doesn’t matter if you’re a former crack dealer (Jay-Z), brag about murdering women and children (Lil Wayne) or sleep with middle school kids on the weekends (R. Kelly). Money is used to wash away all sins, and people are quicker to disrespect an icon like Harry Belafonte than they are to challenge celebrities to do more than tweet pictures of their newborn baby."
Sunday, August 26, 2012
From Sweatshop to Hip-Hop - COLORLINES
From Sweatshop to Hip-Hop - COLORLINES
"The formula seemed unbeatable: white models + brown workers = mega-profits." i don't know about you, but i'm interested in some sweatshop-free hip hop!! some true liberation music!! what the hell is a self-proclaimed revolutionary emcee doing wearing this shit along w/the essential part of their uniform, nikes!!
"The formula seemed unbeatable: white models + brown workers = mega-profits." i don't know about you, but i'm interested in some sweatshop-free hip hop!! some true liberation music!! what the hell is a self-proclaimed revolutionary emcee doing wearing this shit along w/the essential part of their uniform, nikes!!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Lupe Fiasco - Words I Never Said ft. Skylar Grey [Music Video]
"Pills with million side effects, Take them when the pain felt. Wash them down with diet soda, killing off your brain cells"
Lupe Fiasco - Bitch Bad (Official Video)
this brother is brilliant!! you must connect w/this Lupe Fiasco song/video/MESSAGE if you haven't already and please share this w/the youth (who don't already know) and the misguided/manipulated adults that support/consume/perpetuate this toxic ish spewed through the mainstream! you know what?! share this w/everyone so they can insure that this SOLID message reaches everyone.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Monday, August 20, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Hip-hop Kichwa: Sounds of indigenous modernity - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Hip-hop Kichwa: Sounds of indigenous modernity - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
"You know hip-hop has become a universal language when indigenous peoples from the Andes use art forms developed by African-Americans in the south Bronx to contest power structures in Paris. It's not only that indigenous hip-hop represents the cosmopolitan, pop face of ancestral cultures. It is that hip-hop has become a tool to sing other worlds into existence, contributing alternative imaginaries in the pursuit for more, better democracies."
"You know hip-hop has become a universal language when indigenous peoples from the Andes use art forms developed by African-Americans in the south Bronx to contest power structures in Paris. It's not only that indigenous hip-hop represents the cosmopolitan, pop face of ancestral cultures. It is that hip-hop has become a tool to sing other worlds into existence, contributing alternative imaginaries in the pursuit for more, better democracies."
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Fiji Water: Spin the Bottle | Mother Jones
Fiji Water: Spin the Bottle | Mother Jones
"Nowhere in Fiji Water's glossy marketing materials will you find reference to the typhoid outbreaks that plague Fijians because of the island's faulty water supplies; the corporate entities that Fiji Water has—despite the owners' talk of financial transparency—set up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg; or the fact that its signature bottle is made from Chinese plastic in a diesel-fueled plant and hauled thousands of miles to its ecoconscious consumers. And, of course, you won't find mention of the military junta for which Fiji Water is a major source of global recognition and legitimacy."
"Nowhere in Fiji Water's glossy marketing materials will you find reference to the typhoid outbreaks that plague Fijians because of the island's faulty water supplies; the corporate entities that Fiji Water has—despite the owners' talk of financial transparency—set up in tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Luxembourg; or the fact that its signature bottle is made from Chinese plastic in a diesel-fueled plant and hauled thousands of miles to its ecoconscious consumers. And, of course, you won't find mention of the military junta for which Fiji Water is a major source of global recognition and legitimacy."
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Why Are Rappers Threatening to "Bleed Out" Writer Dream Hampton For Revealing Nas Doesn't Write His Own Rhymes? | Kulture Kritic | Kulture Kritic
Why Are Rappers Threatening to "Bleed Out" Writer Dream Hampton For Revealing Nas Doesn't Write His Own Rhymes? | Kulture Kritic | Kulture Kritic
"Really, Hampton only revealed what most of us already knew: Nas fell off years ago. He doesn’t have anymore Illmatic left in him." word!! otherwise, challenge misogyny in hip hop, challenge misogyny in society in general!!
"Really, Hampton only revealed what most of us already knew: Nas fell off years ago. He doesn’t have anymore Illmatic left in him." word!! otherwise, challenge misogyny in hip hop, challenge misogyny in society in general!!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Plastics In Us
good thing my plant-based diet is devoid of consuming plastic as demonstrated in this informative short video. however, we should all go on a plastic-free diet w/regards to buying products (food or otherwise) wrapped in plastic.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
Friday, August 10, 2012
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - SAME LOVE (OFFICIAL VERSION) ft. Mary Lambert...
macklemore on homophobia, gay marriage, & hiphop.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Savages' Olympics: It's a shameful stain on history - pygmies, cannibals and tribesmen forced to compete at 1904 Games in order to prove white supremacy | Mail Online
The Savages' Olympics: It's a shameful stain on history - pygmies, cannibals and tribesmen forced to compete at 1904 Games in order to prove white supremacy | Mail Online
fuck the olympics now and forever!! and fuck you if you think athletic elitism is a good enough reason for gentrification, corporations ruling the world, and all of the hypocrisies associated w/the olympics.
fuck the olympics now and forever!! and fuck you if you think athletic elitism is a good enough reason for gentrification, corporations ruling the world, and all of the hypocrisies associated w/the olympics.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
My Mic Sounds Nice: A Truth About Women And Hip-hop
interesting, though i loathe b.e.t. know if this film is any good? i'm now half-way through this plastic/water-downed documentary and they f'd the time-line up regarding lil' kim and foxy vs. l. boogie--went from mc lyte and latifah to the "sex symbols." what?! what about Bahamadia or LIN QUE AKA ISIS (X CLAN) or heather b.? this shit is most definitely a Black Exploitation Television product!!
Friday, August 3, 2012
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monday, July 23, 2012
Offense Taken
please stop saying, "retarded" and lame" "liberate your language!" note: what's the deal with 3 times as many people disliking this video on youtube?! i guess that's youtube for you--good thing they've disabled the comments from all the entitled fools hanging out on youtube.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Bono Sides with Monsanto and Agribusiness to Complete Africa’s Destruction with GMOs
Bono Sides with Monsanto and Agribusiness to Complete Africa’s Destruction with GMOs
"Like where the fuck is Sir Bono and his famous friends now
Don't get it twisted man I dig U2
But if you ain't about the ghetto then fuck you too
Who care bout rock 'n roll when babies can't eat food
Listen homie man that shit ain't cool" Mos Def Official
"Like where the fuck is Sir Bono and his famous friends now
Don't get it twisted man I dig U2
But if you ain't about the ghetto then fuck you too
Who care bout rock 'n roll when babies can't eat food
Listen homie man that shit ain't cool" Mos Def Official
Friday, July 13, 2012
Cynically marketed, toxic and disturbing: Why Red Bull is Britain's real drink problem | Mail Online
Cynically marketed, toxic and disturbing: Why Red Bull is Britain's real drink problem | Mail Online
"Red Bull has been banned from sale in Norway, Denmark, Uruguay and Iceland, while health departments in France, Ireland, Turkey, Sweden and the U.S. have expressed concern. "
"But what is perhaps most relevant to 21st-century Britain is the role of Red Bull in our binge-drinking culture. "
my inspiration to post this isn't about this toxic beverage that everyone should know by now is harmful to one's health. i'm sharing this because i'm vibing to the latest Soulection session on Mixcloud and they mentioned this ugly company in a positive way!! i'm so disgusted by the influence this brand/company has. you'll never see me at a red bull sponsored event period!! and you're a fool of you drink this shit!
"Red Bull has been banned from sale in Norway, Denmark, Uruguay and Iceland, while health departments in France, Ireland, Turkey, Sweden and the U.S. have expressed concern. "
"But what is perhaps most relevant to 21st-century Britain is the role of Red Bull in our binge-drinking culture. "
my inspiration to post this isn't about this toxic beverage that everyone should know by now is harmful to one's health. i'm sharing this because i'm vibing to the latest Soulection session on Mixcloud and they mentioned this ugly company in a positive way!! i'm so disgusted by the influence this brand/company has. you'll never see me at a red bull sponsored event period!! and you're a fool of you drink this shit!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Saturday, July 7, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Pop music is full of abuse and misogyny already. Tyler, the Creator's simply on trend – Telegraph Blogs
Pop music is full of abuse and misogyny already. Tyler, the Creator's simply on trend – Telegraph Blogs
i cannot get over how popular this toxic (tyler, the creator) shit is! recently when i realized Loiter Squad was his (tyler) and his group's work i started studying some of their insanely egregious videos/lyrics. i do think that the mess he/they make should be challenged but their popularity says more about the world/culture we're living in than just this fist-full of fools (ofwgkta). whilst reading this i thought about my former relationship (approx. 10 years ago) with misogynistic hip hop with artists like Necro, Cage or Copywrite (MHz). anyhow, my point is that what tyler and his bunch are doing isn't new--it's only becoming more acceptable and popular.
i cannot get over how popular this toxic (tyler, the creator) shit is! recently when i realized Loiter Squad was his (tyler) and his group's work i started studying some of their insanely egregious videos/lyrics. i do think that the mess he/they make should be challenged but their popularity says more about the world/culture we're living in than just this fist-full of fools (ofwgkta). whilst reading this i thought about my former relationship (approx. 10 years ago) with misogynistic hip hop with artists like Necro, Cage or Copywrite (MHz). anyhow, my point is that what tyler and his bunch are doing isn't new--it's only becoming more acceptable and popular.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Wu-Tang Clan-Impossible
not feelin' ghost face killah's contribution all that much--not a fan of sexist/oppressive language...otherwise you'll find some food-related statements in the first half of the song.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Friday, May 11, 2012
O Moedor de Porco | Pegadinha com Ivo Holanda | Programa Silvio Santos
stop eating them if you are also disturbed by this and you eat them or their flesh that intentionally looks nothing like the beings that were murdered for your taste buds.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You’ve Got to Know | The Conscious Life
Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods You’ve Got to Know | The Conscious Life
i dig this minus the salmon, who i do adore but only when they are LIVING autonomously like all beings ought to or should be "allowed" to rather. be sure to check what to avoid.
i dig this minus the salmon, who i do adore but only when they are LIVING autonomously like all beings ought to or should be "allowed" to rather. be sure to check what to avoid.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Kevin Tillman of The Vegan Hip Hop Movement interview with Animal Voices Radio (7/29/08)
The Vegan Hip Hop Movement

Listen in as we connect with Kevin Tillman, founder of the Vegan Hip Hop Movement website and promoter of all things people, animal, and earth-friendly. In this interview, Kevin takes us back to the roots of hip hop, and offers us insight into its message of empowerment that arose within the South Bronx and continues to inspire communities internationally. Indivisible from that resistant history, the world of vegan hip hop raises its voice for humans and nonhumans alike.
Engaging issues related to consumerism, colonialism, racism, animal exploitation, among others, the vegan hip hop movement cultivates a holistic anti-oppression approach that pushes veganism and animal rights to go further, while also urging hip hop to broaden its scope. Tune in to hear some fine tracks from vegan hip hop artists, and tap into a movement that shakes it all up.
Thanks to Labtekwon, Farm Fresh, and Hush Money for giving us the green light to include their music in the podcast. We’re still hoping to hear back from Loer Velocity, Ruffmic and Freedom Writer. Thanks also to Kevin for selecting the music, and helping us to meet our Canadian content requirements!
A Complete Guide to 'Hipster Racism'
A Complete Guide to 'Hipster Racism'
"It's the gentler, more clueless, and more insidious cousin of a hick in a hood; the domain of educated, middle-class white people (like me—to be clear, I am one of those) who believe that not wanting to be racist makes it okay for them to be totally racist. "But I went to college — I can't be racist!" Turns out, you can."
"It's the gentler, more clueless, and more insidious cousin of a hick in a hood; the domain of educated, middle-class white people (like me—to be clear, I am one of those) who believe that not wanting to be racist makes it okay for them to be totally racist. "But I went to college — I can't be racist!" Turns out, you can."
Friday, April 27, 2012
SunSay & John Forte - Bang-Bang
"i see deeper than the sleepers who've slept, which means i only eat where the vegans invest." ~ john forte
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Friday, April 20, 2012
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Friday, April 13, 2012
Fair Trade and The Raw Food Pirates - Dr. Aris LaTham
"raw food pirates"(i.e. david wolfe)!! word!!! i'm going to start using that one!!
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Menção Honrosa RBG - Pra Viver (with lyrics)
To live and be alive! (Menção Honrosa)
The warrior's heart always aims to get stronger
confident, like the one that counts with no luck
Strengthen and renewed, full of positive energy, that proposes, and gets contagious
If I'm what I eat, then I'm vitality
On my plate there's no death or cruelty,
Besides, I take personal care of my own business
With a healthy body and mind, and our spirit getting stronger
I wake early everyday, feels like I'm always rested
Just a pray and a vegan food and I'm ready
To train, to work out and to live
That's revolution, and that's how it will be.
Natural and freed, I walk out of step
Always alert I can not be fooled.
I get focused, any way, I know they'll try in vain to confuse me
I'm a warrior, I'm a threat, I read a lot and I'll speak out!
Just like P.Luo says, That's it, I'm a living menace
"Cause I represent equality with my mind... or with my arm"
To run, to train, to work out and live
To smile and sweat, to never quit trying at any cost
To feel it, change it, deserve it, and earn the right of it
To build, a line, to fight, and deserve winning!
Eat that junky food to get ill again
They want you at the hospital so they can enrich more
They wanna see you thirsty and dull
After all, medicine is not about health but profit
If your body is not ok, your mind doesn't work well
And that's this planet suffers from this linsane humanity
Get up from this bed, come on, wake from the coma!
Wake up from this bad dream, rise up and walk free
Get on your feet, this is step one
Listen, you're a miracle, not a failure
"H ponto aço" is what you have inside you
And today is your rebirth day
Awake the giant that sleeps inside you
Awake it! And get surprised with its power
And if somebody discouraged you, like you were not able to
Prove they were wrong! And prove that you're more, God is more!
God is great, and lives inside your heart, inside you!
So get this straight and let's begin to expand yourself
God is great and needs from you a huge space,
So don't you miss the opportunity and enlarge HIS temple!
To run, to train, to work out and live
To smile and sweat, to never quit trying at any cost
To feel it, change it, deserve it, and earn the right of it
To build, a line, to fight, and deserve winning!
Today I got a training to do, and the warm up has just begun
All day long I get ready to this moment
Discipline to take advantage of the time and never
Forget that my body needs food
With the Muay Thai I learned how to be peacefully ready to any storm
I learned to use the pain on my benefit
Cause I'm ready to face the suffering
It's like they say, no pain no gain!
Revolutionary is revolutionize yourself,
You must change yourself to change the place that you're in as well,
So get ready to turn into a new model
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Friday, March 2, 2012
Adam Mansbach - White Privilege and Hip-Hop
"in the last 15-20 years: we've gone from a situation where hip hop is a site where whiteness is put on the table, made to be recognized, white folks have to think about it to a time when white people in hip hop are some of the most complacent white people around."
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Friday, February 24, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Friday, January 20, 2012
To the women who rocked the mic right at the Good Life « Feminist Music Geek
To the women who rocked the mic right at the Good Life « Feminist Music Geek
i still need to watch this film!! from this piece i learned that "the good life" was a vegan/vegetarian spot!! i wonder if hip hop heads in this space were influenced by the space or influenced the decision to be in that space because they themselves were vegan/vegetarian--anybody know?
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
The Lost Children Of Babylon [Egypt] Intervie
The Lost Children Of Babylon [Egypt] Intervie
have any idea where i can locate this interview?:
have any idea where i can locate this interview?:
"Prodigy from Mobb Deep, among the most respected of active rhyme writers, revealed in an interview some time back that he adopted a strict vegan diet on advice culled from Dr. York’s books, which he recommended to a fan with questions about nutrition."
i also heard that members of the lost children of babylon are vegan as well--anyone know about that?
i also heard that members of the lost children of babylon are vegan as well--anyone know about that?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Camden Music: Interview | Akala | Miss Dynamite | BT Digital Music Awards
Camden Music: Interview | Akala | Miss Dynamite | BT Digital Music Awards
another older post referencing akala's veganism...i'd rather stop reading mentions to it and hear a song that speaks directly to it--let me know if you come across anything.
Friday, January 6, 2012
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Animal Voices is proud to present a special feature with Kevin Tillman of the Vegan Hop Hop Movement. Kevin has been working with youth ...
"we think it's wrong to hurt animals and raise animals just to slaughter them and kill them because animals feel pain just like h...
"you can excuse racism?!" i.e. morissey, mister "meat is murder" vs. "the chinese are a subspecies."via portland vegans of color case in point: via the vegan hip hop movement Morissey epitomizes unearned/unchecked white male...